Saturday, March 27, 2010

Style Sightings!

Things are heating up here below the M.D. Line! Good job girls! The weather shows promising results!

Much to write about: Fashion shows, fittings, designers galore! Stay posted, NYC part 2 and 3 are on the way! : )

Much love,

<3 SF

Chillaxin much? I think so! : ) 

Brilliantly ballancing brights! Awesome! 

And there's a jacket to match. With acessories, always see a future for it. All these pieces were fron different seasons (pre-fall and late winter). White in winter, shocking, I know! : )

Black, white and pink are making a comeback. This outfit was completed with a pink headband. Never be afraid to use a bright as an accent piece! 

Gold UUGs, need them STAT! : ) 

One of my sisters! Too cute! The top half is piped in green. Her shoes also mimic the colors found in her dress! Her outfit makes me happy! : )

Out and about. Like I said earlier about pink, yellow is also making a comeback. If you don't believe me, check out my first style sightings entry in Febs!