Friday, April 13, 2012

Fear 'The Mighty Vest' of Santorum

Republican or Democrat, we can all agree that the Republican candidates are just a HOT MESS. I could spot this out over the holiday break, in the early primaries. My Washingtonian upbringing affords me a certain degree of cynicism. Ok, let's be exacerbated degree of cynicism...
Admittedly the best part about the election was making fun of all the fashion faux pas in the race, especially Rick Santorums (AHEM outrageous rhetoric COUGH)...


And now that he's not in the running, what will his tumblr:

whose mantra is "Sleeves slow me down"

and Twitter: (@FearRicksVest) continue to provide us with entertainment?

This guy is OBVIOUSLY not Santorum, but check out the places he'd go in that sexy sweater and glasses. The caption for in the article I pulled if from, Rick Santorum Campaign Offering Sweater Vests for $100 Donations says Santorum: 

"...has taken the cartoon character approach, wearing the same outfit every day. Basically, Rick Santorum is now campaigning on two things — gay people are terrible and wearing a sleeveless article of clothing."

And: They're like Mickey Mouse ears at Disneyland but for people who think the Magic Kingdom refers to a country without gay people.


What's the future for this ultimate politi-bro must have staple?
Well, how can you top having your

Sweater-vest man: "He's super neat-o" 

Wait, I say neat-o!

Wait, this one takes the cake, or top award for insipidity: (His campaign video)

Fear Rick's Vest - Rick Santorum "Sleeves Slow Me Down"

Ok, back to writing real-life papers and such,
The Fashionista